3-44. What organization is presidentially chartered
and mandated by Congress to develop
ballistic and cruise missile defense systems
that are capable of providing a limited
defense of the United States?
1. Defense Advanced Research Projects
2. Ballistic Missile Defense Organization
3. Defense Intelligence Organization
4. Defense Information Systems Agency
3-45. What organization assists the military
departments in their research and
development efforts?
1. Defense Intelligence Agency
2. Defense Contract Audit Agency
3. Defense Finance and Accounting Service
4. Defense Advanced Research Projects
3-46. What agency is responsible for providing an
efficient and effective worldwide system for
reselling groceries and household supplies?
1. Defense Contract Audit Agency
2. Defense Finance and Accounting Service
3. Defense Commissary Agency
4. Defense Logistics Agency
3-47. What agency is responsible for making all
payments, including payroll and contracts,
for DoD?
1. Defense Finance and Accounting Service
2. Defense Information Systems Agency
3. Defense Legal Service Agency
4. Defense Commissary Agency
3-48. The Defense Information Systems Agency
is a combat support agency.
1. True
2. False
3-49. What agency provides foreign intelligence
and counterintelligence support to the
SECDEF and the Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff?
1. Defense Information Systems Agency
2. Defense Threat Reduction Agency
3. Defense Security Service
4. Defense Intelligence Agency
3-50. Who serves as the director of the Defense
Legal Services Agency?
1. General Counsel of the DoD
2. Joint Chiefs of Staff
3. JAG
3-51. The Defense Logistics Agency is NOT
responsible for the acquisition of weapons
for the military services.
1. True
2. False
3-52. What agency is responsible for polygraph
research, education, training, and
1. Defense Threat Reduction Agency
2. Defense Security Service
3. Defense Intelligence Agency
4. Defense Legal Services
3-53. What agency is responsible for threat
reduction to the United States and its
allies from nuclear, biological, chemical,
and other special weapons?
1. Defense Security Agency
2. Defense Intelligence Agency
3. Defense Information Systems Agency
4. Defense Threat Reduction Agency