SECDEF on November 26, 1990, and operates under
DoD Directive 5118.5. DFAS is under the authority,
direction, and control of the Under SECDEF
(Comptroller). The Service is responsible for making
all payments, including payroll and contracts, and for
maintaining all finance and accounting records for the
DoD. The service is responsible for preparing annual
financial statements for DoD in accordance with the
Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990. The service also
is responsible for the consolidation, standardization,
upgrade, and integration of finance and accounting
requirements, functions, processes, operations, and
systems in the DoD.
AGENCY.The Defense Information Systems
Agency (DISA) originally established as the Defense
Communications Agency, is a combat support agency
of the DoD. DISA is under the authority, direction, and
control of the Assistant SECDEF for Command,
Control, Communications, and Intelligence. The
agency is organized into a headquarters and field
activities acting for the director in assigned areas of
responsibility. The field organizations include the
White House Communications Agency, Joint
Interoperability and Engineering Organization, DISA
Western Hemisphere, Joint Interoperability Test
Command, Defense Information Technology
Contracting Organization, Defense Technical
Information Center, and the Joint Spectrum Center.
The agency is responsible for planning, developing,
and supporting command, control, communications,
and information systems that serve the needs of the
National Command Authorities under all conditions of
peace and war. It manages the Defense Information
Infrastructure (DII) and is responsible for DoD
telecommunications and information processing
facilities. It provides guidance and support on
technical and operational and information systems
issues affecting the Office of the SECDEF, the military
departments, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
the unified combatant commands, and the defense
agencies. It ensures the interoperability of DII, theater
and tactical command and control systems, North
Atlantic Treaty Organization and/or allied systems,
and those national and/or international commercial
systems that affect the DISA mission. It supports
national security emergency preparedness
telecommunications functions of the National
Communications System (NCS), as prescribed by
Executive Order 12472 of April 3, 1984.
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) was established
by DoD Directive 5105.21, effective October 1, 1961,
under provisions of the National Security Act of 1947,
as amended (50 U.S.C. 401 et seq.). DIA is under the
authority, direction, and control of the Assistant
SECDEF for Command, Control, Communications,
and Intelligence. The DIA is a combat support agency
committed to the provision of timely, objective, and
warfighters soldiers, sailors, airmen, and
marines and to the decision makers and
policymakers of DoD and the federal government. To
accomplish its assigned mission, DIA produces
military intelligence for national foreign intelligence
and counterintelligence products; coordinates all DoD
intelligence collection requirements; operates the
Central Measurement and Signature Intelligence
(MASINT) Organization; manages the Defense
Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Service and the
Defense Attach System; operates the Joint Military
Intelligence College; and provides foreign intelligence
and counterintelligence support to the SECDEF and
the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Director
of DIA coordinates the Defense General Intelligence
and Applications Program, an element of the DoD
Joint Military Intelligence Program, and manages the
General Defense Intelligence Program within the
National Foreign Intelligence Program.
The Defense Legal Services Agency was established
August 12, 1981. It is currently chartered under DoD
Directive 5145.4. The agency is under the authority,
direction, and control of the General Counsel of the
DoD, who also serves as its Director. The agency
provides legal advice and services for defense agencies
and DoD field activities. It also provides technical
support and assistance for development of the
departments legislative program; coordinates
positions on legislation and Presidential executive
orders; provides a centralized legislative and
congressional document reference and distribution
point for the department; and maintains the
departments historical legislative files. In addition,
the agency includes the Defense Office of Hearings
and Appeals program and the DoD Standards of
Conduct Office.
Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) was established by
the SECDEF, operates under DoD Directive 5105.22,
and is under the authority, direction, and control of the
Under SECDEF for Acquisition and Technology. It
supports both the logistics requirement of the military
services and their acquisition of weapons and other