Upon completion of the splice, the excess length ofeach strand must be cut off. When natural fiber line isused for the splice, the strands can simply be cut off nearthe line. With synthetic line, a short length of eachstrand should be left intact. The ends of the threads ofeach strand are then melted together over an open flameto prevent the strands from frazzling.When you melt the ends of the strands, don’t allowany of the melted synthetic line to drip on you, yourclothing, another person, or anything that might presenta fire hazard. Also, observe all safety precautionspertaining to the use of open flames aboard your ship orstation.Short SpliceA short splice is used where two lines are to bepermanently joined, provided a slight enlargement ofthe diameter is not important. When properly made, theshort splice is much stronger than any knot.After unlaying and whipping the strands asdescribed for the eye splice, seize each line where theunlaying stops. Now butt the two lines together so thatthey are interlaced, and follow the steps shown infigure 7-23.With large lines, you must put on a temporaryseizing where they join to keep them from suddenlycoming apart. It’s better to do that with small lines, too,until you get the hang of holding them together whileyou tuck.Once your seizing is on, tuck over and under thesame way you finish off an eye splice. Three tucks(natural fiber) or four tucks (synthetic fiber) on eachside of the seizing are ample. Remove the seizing, cutoff the ends of the strands, and melt them (ifappropriate) as previously described.7-14Student Notes:Figure 7-22.—Steps for making an eye splice.Figure 7-22.—Steps for making an eye splice.
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