i. Containers of fresh water
A9. The one essential requirement for survival is
drinking water.
A10. The food ration carried by lifeboats is based on
one packet of food per person per day.
A11. Some of the dangers you might face by exposure
a. Sunburn
b. Hypothermia
c. Frostbite
d. Immersion foot
A1. The meaning of the letters in the key word
S-U-R-V-I-V-A-L are
S ize up the situation
U ndue haste makes waste
R emember where you are
V anquish fear and panic
I mprovise
V alue living
A ct like the natives
L earn basic skills
A2. In a group, working together is the best chance
of survival.
A3. Some sources of drinking water include
a. Dig to the water table
b. Collect dew during the night
c. Runoff water
d. A water-yielding plant
A4. True. Food derived from animals has more food
value per pound than food from plants.
A5. Plants that you should not eat include
A. Water hemlock
B. Fly agaric
C. Poisonous mushrooms
A6. Some techniques that are useful to evade the
enemy include
a. Cover
b. Concealment
c. Camouflage
A7. The armed forces Code of Conduct directs you to
make every effort to escape.