Even though you look different than the localpeople, if you can manage a few words in the locallanguage, you will reap many benefits. You will see taxifares miraculously drop, room service drasticallyimprove, and art objects sell for less. The people willreceive you more warmly and genuinely than if you hadspoken English.Knowing some basics about the country you arevisiting and its culture goes a long way towards helpingyou have a good time. Before the trip, read all you canabout each country you will visit. Look at variouspublications that contain information about thecountries or regions you will be touring. Africa Report,for example, is a magazine that offers much insightabout the culture of that continent. If your librarydoesn’t have a specific magazine, you can order it fromthe publisher. You will find the addresses of magazinepublishers in your local library.You may also get information on other countries byvisiting the Family Service Center or logging on to theSITES home page on the Internet. The SITES homepage gives you up-to-date information of the countryyou will be visiting.The address for SITES iswww.dmdc.osd/mil/sites.When you visit the towns, villages, and cities ofother countries, you’ll discover what so many of us havefound, the unexpected hospitality and warmth of thepeople.MILITARY CASH AWARDS PROGRAMLearning Objective: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Recognize the opportunities gained through theNavy Cash Awards Program.The Military Cash Awards Program (MILCAP) is aspecial incentive awards program. It is designed to findnew ideas to effectively increase performance withinthe Department of the Navy. The program has beenresponsible for important savings.MILCAP provides monetary recognition awards ofup to ,000. It awards personnel for beneficialsuggestions, inventions, and scientific achievementsthat increase efficiency, economy, or productivity oreffect other improvements in operations. Allactive-duty military personnel are eligible to participatein MILCAP.A beneficial suggestion is the proposal of an idea ora method of doing a task better, faster, cheaper, or safer.An individual or a group can submit a beneficialsuggestion. To qualify for the MILCAP, the suggestermust show a specific need for improvement and give aworkable solution. The suggestion should also bebeyond the suggester’s normal job capability.Suggestions should do one or more of the following:Improve services to the fleetIncrease productivityConserve energy, manpower, materials, time, orspaceReduce costs without loss of quality or efficiencyPerhaps you have an idea worthy of a cash award.Submit your suggestion in writing, either on asuggestion form or in a letter format, to your localMILCAP administrator. OPNAVINST 1650.8 containsadditional information about the MILCAP.REVIEW 3 QUESTIONSQ1. DeleteQ2. DeleteQ3. What program provides you with support andinformation about foreign lands?1-7Student Notes:
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