heavy lifts; high explosives; stepped-up electricalvoltages; and the unpredictable forces of wind andwaves.Underway refueling, multiship exercises, storms,and other situations require personnel at sea to beconstantly alert. A mishap (there’s that word again) atsea can involve all hands in a matter of seconds.Therefore, you must be continually alert to hazardousconditions. If you observe unsafe practices orconditions, report them to your supervisors.REVIEW 1 QUESTIONSQ1. List some of the safety precautions that couldsave you and your shipmate’s life.a.b.c.d.e.Q2. What are some shipboard environments that aredangerous?a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ANDHAZARDS TO SAFETYLearning Objectives: When you finish this chapter,you will be able to—Recall the purpose and use of Material SafetyData Sheets (MSDS).Recognize safety precautions when you areembarked in a small boat.Recognize the purpose of safety precautionswhen working around various equipment andworking in spaces to include the following:steam; lifelines, ladders, and scaffolding; heavyweight and moving equipment; personnel aloftor over the side; antennas; flammable liquids,paints, and solvents; weapons, ammunition, andexplosives; electrical and electronic equipment;compressed gases; fiber glass and asbestos;power tools; cutting and welding operations;liquids under pressure; rotating machinery;marine sanitation systems; high noise levels;lifting objects; shipyards and docks; aircraft andflight deck operations; when involved in sportingand recreational events; and operating motorvehicles.The safety precautions and hazards discussed are ofa general nature only. Following them will help you toavoid injury to yourself and others and to prevent loss ofor damage to equipment.MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS)Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are technicalbulletins that contain information about hazardousmaterial (figs. 19-1 and 19-2). Manufacturers createMSDSs based on their testing and research of theirproducts. By law, manufacturers must provide thedata to hazardous material users. They tell users howto use, store, and dispose of hazardous material.According to OPNAVINST 5100.19, all hands arerequired to follow these guidelines. MSDSs must be inEnglish and contain at least the following informationabout the material:Identity19-2Student Notes:
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