(b) Subject to subsection (a) any
commanding officer may, in addition to or in
lieu of admonition or reprimand, impose one or
more of the following disciplinary punishments
for minor offenses without the intervention of a
Commanding officers nonjudicial punishment is
often referred to as captains mast. Captains mast gets
its name from the old sailing days when the setting for
this form of naval justice was the weather deck near the
ships mainmast.
Cases are heard and punishments given at captains
mast. Anyone who is not attached to or embarked in a
vessel may, however, demand trial by court-martial in
lieu of punishment at mast, before such punishment is
The punishments permitted at captains mast
depend upon the rank of the officer holding mast.
Figure 2-3 shows the punishment that may be awarded.
A commanding officer that decides an offense
deserves a punishment more severe than he/she is
authorized to award at mast may order a court-martial.
The following paragraphs explain some of the
punishments that may be given at captains mast.
RESTRICTION.Restriction is the requirement
to remain within certain specified limits (ship, station,
etc.). Although required to muster at certain times, the
restricted person usually continues to perform his/her
regular duties.
custody is the physical restraint (confinement) of a
person during duty or nonduty hours, or both. The
person may be required to perform extra duties or hard
labor. A typical example is an individual who is free to
carry out regular duties during the day but is confined in
a confinement facility at night.
bread and water or diminished rations may be imposed
only on enlisted persons E-3 and below aboard ship.
EXTRA DUTY.Extra duty is the assignment of
any duty (except guard duty) to be performed after the
persons regular working hours. Extra duty is not to
exceed 2 hours daily or to be performed on holidays.
Student Notes:
Any officer commanding,
LCDR and above
Commanding officers below
LCDR; OICs, any grade
Admonition or
Confinement on
B&W or diminished
3 consecutive days
(aboard ship)
E-3 and below
3 consecutive days
(aboard ship)
E-3 and below
Correctional custody
30 consecutive days
E-3 and below
7 consecutive days
Forfeiture of pay
1/ 2 of 1 month pay per
month for 2 months
7 days pay
Reduction in grade
To next inferior grade
To next inferior grade
Extra duty
45 consecutive days
14 consecutive days
60 consecutive days
14 consecutive days
Figure 2-3.One or more of the maximum punishment authorized by article 15, UCMJ.