28. If you have which of the following symptoms,the compartment you’re working in mighthave bad air?1. Headache2. Dizziness3. Labored breathing4. All of the above29. While working in a closed space, a Sailor haslost consciousness. You should immediatelyenter the space to help your shipmate.1. True2. False30. To find the storage requirements for solvents,you should refer to what document?1. PMS2. MRC3. MSDS31. Which of the following protective equipmentshould be worn when working withchlorinated cleaning solvents, organic cleaningsolvents, and fluorocarbon refrigerants andsolvents?1. Neoprene gloves2. Rubber gloves3. Safety splash goggles4. All of the above32. Painting the exterior of an aircraft carrierrequires about how many gallons of paint?1.9502.1,0003.1,2504.1,50033. Paint consists of a total of how many essentialingredients?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four34. Paint pigment provides the coloring, rustprevention, and lasting quality of paint.Pigment is made from which of the followingmetals?1. Lead2. Zinc3. Titanium4. All of the above35. What ingredient is the most common one usedto make thinners?1. Denatured alcohol2. Mineral spirits3. Linseed oil4. Water36. Which of the following petroleum productsmust NEVER be used to thin paint?1. Kerosene2. Diesel oil3. Both 1 and 2 above4. Mineral spirits37. What minimum number of coats of primershould be used on a surface cleaned to baremetal?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four38. What is the minimum amount of drying timerequired between primer coats?1. 24 hours2. 12 hours3.8 hours4.4 hours39. What color paint is used to paint the undersideof deck overhangs?1. White2. Black3. Haze gray4. Deck gray40. The deck of the machinery spaces is paintedwhat color?1. Haze gray2. Deck gray3. Dark red4. Dark green41. Feathering the paint edges of chipped orscraped areas should be done with whichof the following tools?1. Scraper2. Sandpaper3. Chipping hammer4. Hand wire brush64
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