10. When using solvents, proper ventilation mustbe provided in which of the following areas?1. In voids only2. In exterior spaces only3. In interior spaces only4. Each of the above11. Which of the following precautions willreduce the possibility of vapor buildup inan area?1. Wearing protective clothing, goggles,and gloves2. Keeping oxygen and first-aid equipmentnearby3. Using extra fans for ventilation4. All of the above12. When working with solvents in an enclosedspace, you must take which of the followingprecautions?1. Wear an OBA at all times2. Always use the buddy system3. Ensure that the installed CO2 systemis operational4. Have damage control personnel presentto assist with spills13. When using solvents, you must make sure thatyour personnel know the nearest escape routein case of fire and the location of the1. head2. nearest fire alarm3. roving patrol4. gas free engineer14. Before starting a job that involves workingwith solvents, you should take which of thefollowing precautions?1. Secure the roving patrol2. Have the area checked bythe gas free engineer3. Obtain the ventilation planfor the space involved4. Both 2 and 3 above15. If you are told by the gas free engineer thatharmful vapors have increased to unsafe levelsin the area in which your detail is working,you should take which of the followingactions?1. Stop work immediately and clear the areauntil it is safe to return2. Notify damage control central and awaitguidance3. Evacuate the area after the second warning4. Have each member of the detail don anOBA16. Solvents spilled on some types of tile maycause what type of problem?1. Radiation poisoning2. Lung irritation3. Skin disease17. A spill must be reported if it presents a threatto the ship, the health of the crew, or involvesmore than what amount of solvent?1. 1 quart2. 1 gallon3. 5 quarts4. 5 gallons18. A Sailor with a history of which of thefollowing medical problems should not bepermitted to work with paint, solvents, andthinners?1. Asthma2. Allergies3. Both 1 and 2 above4. Diabetes19. If a solvent makes contact with a person’sskin, the skin should be immediately flushedwith which of the following liquids?1. Clear water2. Hydrogen peroxide3. Sodium chloride solution4. Sodium hydroxide solution62
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