LIE OFF—To heave to at some distance from shore.LIFE BUOY—A buoyant ring or some other floatingdevice, except a life jacket or life belt, designed tosupport a person in the water.LIFE JACKET—A buoyant jacket designed tosupport a person in the water; a life belt fits onlyaround the waist.LIFELINE—(1) In general, the lines erected aroundthe edges of weather decks, specifically, thetopmost line. From top to bottom, the lines arenamed lifeline, housing line, and foot rope.LIGHTEN SHIP—To make a ship lighter byremoving weight.LIGHT SHIP—The act of dispensing with blackoutprecautions.LINE—Any rope that isn’t wire rope.LINNER BOTTOM—The inside bottom in a systemof double bottoms.LOG—(1) A ship’s speedometer. (2) The act of a shipin making a certain speed, as “The ship logged 20knots.” (3) Book or ledger in which data or eventsthat occurred during a watch is recorded.LOOK ALIVE—Admonishment meaning “be alert”or “move faster.”LOOKOUT—Person stationed topside as a formalwatch who reports all objects sighted and soundsheard to the OOD.LOOM—The glow seen in the sky from a light that’sbelow the horizon.LUBBER’S LINE—Line engraved on the inside of acompass bowl, representing the ship’s head, bywhich the ship’s course is steered.LUCKY BAG—Locker, under the charge of themaster-at-arms, used to stow gear found adrift anddeserters’ effects.MAGAZINE—Compartment used for stowage ofammunition.MAGNETIC BEARING—The direction of theobject measured on a magnetic compass.MAIN DECK—The uppermost complete deck.MAINMAST—Second mast aft from the bow.MAN—To assume a station, as to man a gun.MAN-O-WAR—See COMBATANT SHIP.MARLINE—Two-strand, left-laid, tarred hemp.MARLINSPIKE—Tapered steel tool used to open thestrands of wire for splicing.MARLINESPIKE SEAMANSHIP—The art ofcaring for and handling all types of line and wire.MASTER-AT-ARMS—A member of a ship’s policedepartment.MASTHEAD LIGHT—A 20-point, white runninglight located in the fore part of the ship. May ormay not be on the foremast.MATE—A shipmate; another Sailor.MEET HER—Slow the swing of a ship by putting onopposite rudder.MESS—(1) Meal. (2) Place where meals are eaten, asmess hall. (3) A group of personnel who take mealstogether, as the officers’ mess.MESSENGER—(1) A line used to haul anotherheavier line across an intervening space. (2) Onewho delivers messages.MIDWATCH—The watch that begins at 0000 andends at 0400.MIND YOUR RUDDER—An order to the helmsmanto steer the proper course.MONKEY FIST—A complicated knot worked intothe end of a heaving line to provide weight.MOOR—(1) To anchor, using two anchors. (2) Tomake fast to a mooring buoy. (3) To make fast to apier or another ship.MOORING BUOY—A large, anchored float a shipmay moor to.MORNING WATCH—The 0400 to 0800 watch.MOTOR WHALEBOAT—A double-ended power-boat.MUSTER—(1) A roll call. (2) The act of assemblingfor a roll call.NEST—(1) Two or more boats stowed one within theother. (2) Two or more ships moored alongsideeach other.NOTHING TO THE RIGHT (LEFT)—Order givento the helmsman not to allow the ship to come toright (left) of the course because of some dangerlying on that side of the course.AI-8
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