Authority, 4-2
earned, 4-2
general, 4-3
legal, 4-2
limits of, 4-3
moral, 4-2
Board of Inspection and Survey, 7-2
Budgets, 4-15 and 6-12
activity-level, 6-12
activity-level execution of, 6-13
as a control device, 4-15
large-activity, 6-12
limitations of, 6-14
of comptroller staff, 6-12
of operating departments, 6-12
operating, 6-12
small-activity, 6-12
Casualty Assistance Calls Program, 3-14
Ceremonies, 7-8
chief petty officer initiations, 7-9
Navy protocol in, 7-10
reenlistment, 7-8
retirement, 7-8
Chain of command, 3-3
Command master chief, 2-2
Computers, 3-3, 5-15, 8-11
computer-processed messages, 8-11
Snap II, 5-15
Consolidated Subject Index, 8-6
Controls, 4-13
audits, 4-15
budgets, 4-15
nonquantitative methods, 4-15
quantitative methods, 4-15
Coordination, 4-10
Counseling, 3-11
directive, 3-12
financial, 3-12
nondirective, 3-12
performance and professional, 3-12
Damage control training, 5-11
Department of Defense, 1-1
Department of the Navy, 1-6
Department of the Army, 1-5
Department of the Air Force, 1-7
general mission and functions of, 1-2
Joints Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 1-4
Secretaries of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, 1-2
Secretary of Defense, 1-2
unified and specified commands, 1-8
Directives, 8-3
citing, 8-6
construction of, 8-15
control, 8-3
operational, 8-7
preparing, 8-4
Directives Issuance System, 8-1
integrating directives from higher authority, 8-3
unit directives system, 8-2
Disciplinary Review Board, 3-11