The name, rate, and division of the personwho requested permission to open or closethe fittingThe date and time the fitting was openedor closedThe date and time the fitting was returnedto its specified material condition ofreadiness settingThe name and rate/rank of the persongranting permissionThe commanding officer prescribes the limitto which the modification of a material conditionof readiness may be approved by the DCA orOOD. Reporting the temporary closing of a fittingthat should be open is just as important asreporting the opening of one that should beclosed. For example, a ZEBRA watertight hatchthat is secured at the time general quarters issounded could seriously interfere with personneltrying to get to their battle stations.The damage control closure log is normallykept on the quarterdeck in port, on the bridge atsea,and in DCC during general quarters.However, if your ship has a 24-hour watch inDCC at all times, the closure log will be kept thereno matter where the ship is. The closure log isupdated when there is a change in the status ofa classified closure or fitting. If a classifiedclosure is to remain open for several days, it mustbe logged open each day. The maximum time aclosure or fitting may be logged open is 24 hours.DIVISION DAMAGE CONTROLAND FIRE-FIGHTING EQUIPMENTNumerous pieces of damage control and fire-fighting equipment are located in division spaces.They include such items as battle lanterns, dogwrenches, spanners, fire stations, and portable fireextinguishers. These items must be inspected andtested based on the equipment’s maintenancerequirement cards (MRCs). That includes ensuringall damage control equipment, piping, cables,and compartments are properly stenciled andidentified.INSPECTIONS OF DIVISION SPACESDCPOs are responsible for conducting dailyinspections of division spaces for the eliminationof fire hazards, They also assist division officersin the inspection of division spaces for firehazards and good housekeeping practices. Specialemphasis should be placed on safety precautions,and operating instructions must be placed inrequired spaces.SUMMARYIn this chapter you were introduced to MOPPand risk management and implementation ofMOPP. New weapons are being developed andnew protective and defensive measures are beingestablished all the time. Therefore, staying up-to-date in the area of CBR defense is important.The responsibilities of the duty DCPO areboth numerous and important. Training yourdivision personnel in damage control, firefighting, egress and CBR defense could save theirlives during a crisis situation. You must ensurethat the material condition of your spaces areproperly set and that fire-fighting and damagecontrol equipment are in excellent condition.These precautions will provide your division witha fighting chance in the event of a fire or CBRattack.REFERENCESDamage Controlman 3 & 2, NAVEDTRA 10572,Naval Education and Training ProgramManagement Support Activity, Pensacola,Fla., 1986.Surface Ship Survivability, NWP 62-1, Office ofthe Chief of Naval Operations, Washington,D.C. 1989.7-20
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