Access to the capstan and winchroomAccess to the chain lockerAccess to the stores elevatorcontrolAccess to the catapult machinery roomAccess to forced draft blower roomsAccess to fan roomsCIRCLE XRAY fittings are marked with ablack X inside of a black circle. These modifiedclosures are secured during conditions XRAY,YOKE, and ZEBRA. However, personnel mayopen these fittings without special authorizationwhen proceeding to battle stations or as requiredin routine inspection checks. You may open theseclosures, but you must secure them immediatelyafter use. You will find this classification on thefollowing closures:Doors to magazines and handling roomsHatches that do not have a scuttle and leadto magazines and handling roomsAccess to the missile handling and check-out area compartmentsScuttles in hatches to the shaft alley, pumprooms, magazines, and handling roomsAccess to the gas and fuel station and filterroomsAccess to the oxygen-nitrogen rooms(compressor and producing)Access to the switch gear room, ammuni-tion hoist, and elevatorsAccess to the underwater log roomAccess to the equipment rooms that areunoccupiedScuttles for passing ammunitionYOKE fittings are marked with a black Y.These closures are secured during conditionsYOKE and ZEBRA. You must have proper author-ization to open fittings with this classificationwhen the ship is at condition YOKE or ZEBRA.You will find this classification on the followingclosures:Hatches that are provided with a scuttleand lead to shaft alleys and pump roomsAlternate accesses to machinery roomsWeather-deck hatches not classified asXRAYSome alternate accesses on the DC deckand aboveAccess to the windlass roomAccess to the air-compressor roomAccess to the air-conditioning machineryroomAccess to the refrigeration machineryroomAccess to the elevator machinery roomAccess to the missile director machineryroomAccess to the drying roomCIRCLE YOKE fittings are marked with ablack Y inside of a black circle. These modifiedfittings are secured during conditions YOKE andZEBRA. However, these fittings may also beopened without special authorization when per-sonnel are proceeding to battle stations or asrequired in routine inspection checks. Again, youmust secure these closures immediately after use.You will find this classification on the followingclosures:Hatches that lead to the shaft alley andpump room and do not have a scuttleScuttles in the deck to the shaft alley andpump roomDoors at the bottom of the trunk to theshaft alley and pump roomAccess to the steering gear power and ramroomAccess to the chill room7-17
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