What President
action against
ordered naval air
North Vietnamese gun
1. F. D. Roosevelt
2. L. B. Johnson
3. J. F. Kennedy
4. R. M. Nixon
What President ordered a naval
quarantine of Cuba?
1. F. D. Roosevelt
2. L. B. Johnston
3. J. F. Kennedy
4. J. E. Carter
What President ordered foreign
submarines in U.S. waters to be sunk
on sight?
1. F. D. Roosevelt
2. J. F. Kennedy
3. R. M. Nixon
4. J. E. Carter
What President sent troops into Saudi
Arabia to prevent Iraq from extending
aggression into
Saudi Arabia?
1. F. D. Roosevelt
2. J. F. Kennedy
3. J. E. Carter
4. G. F. Bush
In 1949, the Army, Navy, and Air Force
became part of the Department of
Defense under what authorization?
1. Executive Order 42
2. An Amendment to the National
Security Act
3. Presidential proclamation
4. A Department of Defense order
What official is at the top of the
military chain of command withiun the
Department of Defense?
1. The President
2. The Secretary of Defense
3. The Joint Chiefs of Staff
4. The Chief of Naval Operations
Which of the following U.S.
government agencies is the largest?
1. The
2. The
3. The
4. The
State Department
Department of Defense
Department of the Navy
Internal Revenue Service
Which of the following Department of
Defense officials is a member of the
P r e s i d e n t s c a b i n et
1. The Secretary of Defense
2. The Secretary of the Army
3. The Secretary of the Navy
4. The Secretary of the Air Force
What official exercises direct
control over the Department of
1. The President
2. The Vice President
3. The Secretary of Defense
4. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff is appointed by what official?
1. The President
2. The Vice President
3. The Secretary of the Navy
4. The Secretary of Defense
Which of the following armed forces
is NOT
1. The
2. The
3. The
4. The
represented on the JCS?
Air Force
Coast Guard
Marine Corps
The Joint Chiefs of Staff makes up
the immediate military staff of which
o f t h e f o l l o w i n g o f f i c i a l s ?
1. The Secretary of the Navy
2. The Secretary of the Army
3. The Secretary of Defense
4. The Secretary of the Air Force