disproportionate to the offense has the right to appeal
the award to higher authority. The member must submit
the appeal in writing and include the reasons he or she
considers the punishment unjust or disproportionate.
Normally, members must submit the appeal to the area
coordinator having GCM authority.
Article 15 requires the appeal to be made
promptly, which means within 5 days of
impositionexcept under the most unusual
circumstances. Appeals not brought within this period
may be rejected on that basis.
marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, barbiturates, FCP,
and opiates. They tested each sample three times-twice
using radio immunoassay and once using highly specific
gas chromatography or mass spectrometry. These
technical procedures are designed to protect the
individual. They are standardized at all laboratories and
centrally monitored through a blind sample quality
control program. Facilities using these procedures are
subject to frequent inspections. These inspections are
one part of the Navys care and expense in ensuring the
credibility of the urinalysis program.
Drug abuse is incompatible with naval service. It is
costly in lost man-hours and unnecessary administrative
and judicial processing and is a critical drawdown on
morale and esprit de corps. It undermines the very fiber
of combat readiness, safety, discipline, judgment, and
loyalty. For those reasons, the United States Navy has
taken a zero tolerance stand on drug abuse. Zero
tolerance is a compassionate policy that offers help to
drug abusers who want help. However, it is also a tough
policy that separates from the naval service those who
defy authority through continued abuse.
The Department of Defense authorizes the use of
urinalysis for disciplinary purposes. Urinalysis has
become the most valuable detection and deterrence tool
used by the Navy. New technology enables wide-scale
testing for the use of drugs. Today, recruits are tested
within 48 hours of arrival at basic training. Those testing
positive for any drug other than marijuana (THC) are
immediate y discharged. Those testing positive for THC
are charged with a first drug offense, which is
documented in their record. They are randomly retested
for the next 6 months; if found positive again, they are
discharged. The recruits are tested again as they report
to their first technical school and then tested three times
annually throughout their naval service. Knowledge of
the certainty of this testing and the severe personal and
career consequences for drug abuse act as a powerful
The Navy emphasizes drug abuse prevention.
Education programs make up the largest segment of
prevention. General military training on drug abuse
prevention and control is annually delivered to over
500,000 enlisted personnel. Other specific education
programs include the Navy Alcohol and Drug Safety
Action Program (36 hours of prevention and remedial
instruction) with an average annual attendance of
53,000. Supervisory personnel attend an 8-hour policy,
identification, and referral seminar. In addition to
providing general drug abuse education to every person
in the Navy, the Navy trains its own command drug and
alcohol program advisors, aftercare program
coordinators, drug and alcohol counselors, and program
Results from the Department of Defense worldwide
surveys of drug and alcohol use among military
personnel have shown a gratifying decrease in the use
of illicit drugs among naval personnel. Drug use among
all personnel within the 30 days before each survey was
reduced from 33% in 1980, to 16% in 1982, to 10% in
Because drug abuse is incompatible with naval
service, the Navy will always maintain its zero tolerance
stand and will continue to wage war on drugs.
The Navy has taken a firm stand against drug abuse.
It processes for immediate separation from service any
This section describes different types of drugs and
how they affect the user. There are medicinal drugs used
officer, chief petty officer, or petty officer identified as
to treat illness or to relieve pain. Without them there
a drug abuser or as drug dependent.
would be a lot of pain and suffering. These drugs include
The Navys five drug screening laboratories are
aspirin, antihistamines, antacids, penicillins, and a
located at Norfolk, Virginia; Jacksonville, Florida;
variety of others. Drugs have a definite purpose in our
Great Lakes, Illinois; Oakland, California; and San
society especially when they are prescribed by
Diego, California. In fiscal year 1986, these laboratories
physicians to cure illness. When used as prescribed by
tested close to 2 million urine samples for six drugs:
physicians, drugs are legal.