The routine standing force ensures inter-national waterways remain open to shipping inthe region and provides forward deployed U.S.forces during hostilities. The optional forcesavailable to USCENTCOM are used in crisissituations. They were deployed in support ofOperation Desert Shield when Iraq invadedKuwait in August 1990.AfricaLooking at the strategic importance of Africa,we need to divide Africa into northern Africa andsouthern Africa. From a naval viewpoint,northern Africa is important because it bordersthe Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. From aneconomic or strategic resources viewpoint,southern Africa is important because of the vastwealth in minerals it exports to developedcountries.NORTHERN AFRICA. —Countries receivingSoviet military aid in northern Africa includeGuinea, Mali, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, andEthiopia. Of those countries, only Libya has beenopenly hostile to the United States.For many years Libya openly sponsoredterrorist groups and carried out acts of aggressionin the Gulf of Sidra. However, Libya hasdecreased its level of aggression since the U.S.Navy lead Operation El Dorado on 15 April 1986.Operation El Dorado was a joint Air Forceand Navy mission composed of strike aircraftbased aboard the USS America (CV66) and USSCoral Sea (CV43) and F-111 Air Force bombersbased in England. Using a high-speed, low-altitude approach, 12 Navy A-6Es struck theBenin airfield and Benghazi military barracks. Atthe same time, 12 F-111s struck the Aziziyahbarracks, the Sidi Bilal terrorist training camp,and the Tripoli military airport. Navy and MarineF/A-18s destroyed surface-to-air missile sites,while Navy E-2Ds, Navy and Marine EA-6Bs, andAir Force F-11 1s provided electronic counter-measures and command and control support.Navy F-14s and F/A-18s were on station toprovide fighter support.The successful attack caught the Libyans bysurprise.Except for sporadic surface-to-airmissiles, the Libyans did not engage the U.S.strike force. The United States’ display of forceand stated willingness to strike again has playeda major role in deterring Libyan PresidentMuammar Muhammad al-Qaddafi from sponsoringfurther terrorist attacks against Americans.The main mission of the Navy in the NorthAfrican region is to keep the sea-lanes open. Thesecondary mission is to support interest andpolitical goals in the region. The major challengerto U.S. sea power in the African theater ofoperations is the Soviet Union. Minor challengersinclude Libya (31-42 ships) and Guinea (2-3 ships).SOUTHERN AFRICA. —The Soviets wish toincrease their influence in southern Africa.Countries currently friendly to the Soviets includeTanzania, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe,Botswana, Angola, and Namibia.STRATEGIC RESOURCES. —Africa isamong the world’s richest continents in knownmineral wealth. It has a large share of the world’smineral resources in coal, petroleum, natural gas,uranium, radium, low-cost thorium, and othervaluable ores.The abundant natural resources available inAfrica make it strategically important to Westernnations. The Navy may now appear to have norole in this area except in the Mediterranean Seaand Red Sea. However, we may be called uponto support U.S. interest in the many regionalconflicts happening in Africa. An example of oneof the regional conflicts is the civil war in Liberia,on Africa’s western coast. President Bush ordereda Marine amphibious group to that area in May1990 to evacuate personnel. Through September1990, the Marines evacuated more than 2,100people, including over 200 U.S. citizens.The Far EastSubic Bay Naval Base and Clark Air Base arestrategically important to U.S. interests in theFar East. We could lose both bases because theirleases must be periodically renegotiated with thePhilippine government. These bases are on thesea-lanes and air routes to the Indian Ocean andthe Persian Gulf. Both bases played a vital rolein Operation Desert Shield. The bases also playa vital role in extending the range of U.S. forces.Much of the world’s oil that travels by shipthrough the various straits in the Indonesian areaare within range of U.S. bases in the Philippines.The U.S. strategic objective in the East Asiaand Pacific area is to deter war. Strategic strikecapability, Pacific Command (PACOM) forces,bilateral defense treaties, forward deployment andbasing, and weapons technology all contribute todeterrence in the region. If deterrence fails, theUnited States and the Soviet Union could become1-9
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