Regardless of the form used, the NSN is the most
important identification data for any item. Check the
ML-N before listing the stock number on the 1250-1 or
1348-6 to ensure the stock number is up to date and
accurate and the unit price and unit of issue are correct.
If the NSN is not available for repair parts, use the
DD Form 1348-6 (fig. 7-12) to requisition the parts.
The DD Form 1348-6 consists of two sections. The
first, or top, section consists of 80 card columns of
MILSTRIP data; the second, or bottom, section
consists of nine data blocks of additional identification
data. The bottom section permits the inclusion of all
available technical or descriptive data. This data will
assist the supply source in the identification and
procurement of the requisitioned item.
requirements on DD Form 1348. However, certain
items excluded from MILSTRIP are ordered on
DD Form 1149 (fig. 7-13). Examples of these
materials controlled by the Naval Oceanographic
NAVSUP P-409 is a handy desk guide to
MILSTRIP that gives an excellent overview of
MILSTRIP documents. However, for detailed guidance
about the use of these forms, refer to NAVSUP P-485.
Message Requisitions
In certain situations, urgent material requirements
demand the need for procurement by message, rather
than by submission of standard requisition documents.
Message requisitions are submitted in a specified
format and must convey the same data that is required
on DD Form 1348 or 1348-6.
Overseas activities use message requisitions for
priority requisitions unless transmission by other
means, such as mail or courier, is more expedient.
Messages also may be used for routine priority
requisitions when transmission by mail will not ensure
delivery of the requisitioned material by the required
time. When a message requisition is prepared, a
DD Form 1348 or 1348-6 is also prepared for each
item requested in the message. The original of each DD
Form 1348 or 1348-6 is discarded, and the remaining
copies are distributed according to established
procedures. A message requisition must not be longer
than one page and is generally limited to a maximum of
seven requisitions.
The Defense Automatic Addressing System
(DAAS) is a "real time" random access digital
computer system. This system uses the automatic
digital network (AUTODIN) switching centers of the
Defense Communications System to receive and
retransmit MILSTRIP messages automatically to the
proper addressees. An input message to DAAS may
include multiple requisitions, follow-ups, requisition
Figure 7-11.DoD Single Line Item Requisition System Document (Manual), DD Form 1348.