1. Present arms (fig. 9-5, view A)When standing in a sentry box or on a postand addressed or approached by any personentitled to a salute.When halted while on patrol (such as an areasecurity patrol) to reply to or to address anofficer.When in ranks and so commanded; forexample, at colors.2. Rifle salute at order arms (fig. 9-5, view B)When standing sentry or guard duty by adoor inside a building. Present arms mayalso be required by competent authority; butwhere there is considerable traffic, the saluteat order arms is usually prescribed.When reporting individually to an officerindoors. For example, you would approachan officer’s desk at trail arms, come to orderarms, and render the rifle salute at orderarms.When reporting a roll call (if already at orderarms).3. Rifle salute at right shoulder arms (fig. 9-5,view C)When on patrol and passing, withouthalting, a person entitled to a salute.When leading a detail past an officer.When reporting a roll call (if already atshoulder arms). When reporting at shoulderarms to an officer outdoors.When going individually to and from drill orplace of duty and you pass any personentitled to a salute.WHEN NOT TO SALUTEThere are some situations in which it is improperfor you to salute (fig. 9-6 and fig. 9-7). These are asfollows:When uncovered, except where failure to salutemight cause embarrassment or misunder-standing.9-7Student Notes:Figure 9-4.—Hand salute at sling arms.Figure 9-5.—Rifle salutes.
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