ReportingWhen reporting on deck or out-of-doors ashore,you should remain covered and salute accordingly.When reporting in an office, you should uncover uponapproaching the senior; therefore, you should notsalute.SentriesSentries at gangways salute all officers going orcoming over the side and when passing or being passedby officers close aboard in boats.In VehiclesYou salute all officers riding in vehicles, while thosein the vehicle both render and return salutes, as required.The vehicle’s driver salutes if the vehicle is stopped; todo so while the vehicle is in motion endangers the safetyof the occupants and may be omitted.In Civilian ClothesIf you are in uniform and recognize an officer incivilian clothes, you should initiate the proper greetingand salute. In time of war, however, an officer not inuniform may be deliberately avoiding disclosure ofhis/her identity, so you should be cautious in followingthe normal peacetime rule.At Crowded GatheringsAt crowded gatherings or in congested areas, younormally salute only when addressing or beingaddressed by officers.Rifle SalutesWhen armed with a rifle, you should use one of thethree rifle salutes described in this section instead of thehand salute. (NOTE: The salute at sling arms shown infig. 9-4 is simply a hand salute and is not considered arifle salute.) The occasions for rendering each type ofrifle salute are as follows:9-6Student Notes:Figure 9-3.—When to salute officers (Continued).
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