SPLICESSplices are used to permanently join two lines or toform an eye or loop in the end of a line. When timepermits, splices should be used instead of knots becausesplices are much stronger.Eye SpliceTo make an eye splice, unlay (untwist) the strands inthe end of your line about 8 to 10 turns of lay. Whip theend of each strand to prevent the strands from unlayingwhile you splice.NOTEWhen splicing synthetic line, such as nylon, it issometimes easier to use tape on the strand ends.Large line, such as mooring lines, should beseized or bound together at the point whereunlaying stops.To form the eye, bend the line back until the eye isthe desired size. This is the point where your splicingbegins.Follow the steps shown in figure 7-22 by tuckingeach whipped strand under one strand of the line. Pull7-18Student Notes:Figure 7-21.—Coils, fakes, and flemishes.Figure 7-22.—Steps for making an eye splice.
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