minute you are in the water, swimming for your life.If you fall overboard and someone hears or sees you(one of the purposes of the lookout watch), you cancount on being rescued within a few minutes. Suchrescues are made in nearly every instance. However, ifno one sees you fall overboard or hears a cry for help,you’ll be missed and rescue procedures will then be putinto action.If you fall overboard, the most important thing to dois stay calm. Panic will cause you more harm thanalmost anything else. If you see any floating debrisnearby, hang on to it. Otherwise, remove and inflateyour trousers. Remember, you can stay afloat for a longtime, even without help, if you use the floatingpositions. Don’t swim after the ship, because you’llonly exhaust yourself needlessly, and the ship maywaste valuable time searching for you at the point whereyou fell overboard.The method used to rescue a person overboarddepends on the circumstances at the time. In daylight,with good weather, a helicopter (if available) isnormally used. Otherwise, the ship’s motor whaleboatis used, or you may be recovered directly over the side ofthe ship.Helicopters use three basic devices for recovering aperson in the water—1. Sling. If the sling is used, adjust it so that it isacross your back and under your arms with thehoisting cable in front of you.2. Net. If the net is used, simply sit in it and holdon.3. Two- or three-pronged seat. If a two- andthree-pronged seat is used, sit on the prongs andwrap your arms around the upright portion.When a motor whaleboat is used for rescue, the boatcrew helps you into the boat. Also, a swimmer providesassistance if you are injured or exhausted. Don’t try toenter the boat from astern; you may be injured by thepropeller.If neither a helicopter nor a whaleboat can be usedfor rescue, the ship will maneuver to a position where aswimmer, towing a line, can reach you. After the line isfastened around your body, personnel on deck will haulyou in and hoist you aboard.While awaiting rescue, remain calm. If sharks are inthe area, float on your back, using as little arm and legmovement as possible.To decrease your chances of having to be rescued atall, observe all safety regulations. Don’t lean onlifelines. Don’t go on deck in bad weather unless youhave to. Always wear a life preserver when working inareas where you are in danger of falling overboard.Aboard aircraft carriers, don’t walk behind a jet planeturning up its engines because the blast can blow youoverboard.Ships frequently hold man-overboard drills. In spiteof precautions, accidents happen. Therefore, when youare at the beach, don’t spend all your time sunbathing.Practice swimming and floating. Someday your lifemay depend on your ability to swim and float.REVIEW 1 QUESTIONSQ1. When aboard ship, you should know escaperoutes for what reason?Q2. True or False. You should dive into the water toabandon ship.Q3. What swimming classification gives you the bestchance for survival if you have to abandon ship?Q4. If you have to jump from a ship into burningwater, you should—Q5. Which of the following items can you use to stayafloat?a. Trousersb. Sea bagc. Pieces of woodd. All of the above15-14Student Notes:
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