PERSONNEL ADVANCEMENT REQUIRE-MENTS (PARS).—PARS are skills and abilities thatcan best be demonstrated (shown) by actualperformance. Generally, each PAR contains one ormore OCCSTDs on the same or similar subject and iswritten in on-the-job rating language. PARs aren’tcompetitive; that is, no mark is assigned. Completionindicates that you can perform the tasks.C o m p l e t i o n o f PA R s i s m a n d a t o r y f o radvancement. Commands should make sure youcomplete PARs before you are recommended foradvancement. Because of limitations in commandequipment, mission, and operations, you may not beable to demonstrate all PARs. In that case, actualdemonstration of ability isn’t mandatory. However,your being recommended for advancement must bebased on the command being satisfied that you have thenecessary ability to perform properly at the higherpaygrade at the present command and at othercommands.PARs are not designed to replace other qualificationprograms, such as PQS. However, PAR items thatduplicate “sign off” items in other programs can besigned off as PAR items if they have already been signedoff under any other program.PARs and BIBS are available in electronic formatfrom:NETPDTC Web Site: Get PARS, Automated Logistics TransmissionSystem (SALTS), (BIB) FOR ADVANCE-MENT-IN-RATE EXAM STUDY.—The BIB isdeveloped by exam writers (chief petty officers) to helpSailors study for advancement-in-rate examinations.The BIB is a list of references that includes trainingcourses (TRAMANs/NRTCs), instructions, technicalmanuals, guides, and other publications commonlyused in a rating.BIBs are posted (issued) three times a year and areonly available in electronic format. You can find the BIBat the same Internet addresses as the PARs. TheE-4/E-5/E-6 BIBs are posted in March and September;and E-7 BIBs are posted in July. The BIBs posted inMarch are for the exam given the following September;the BIBs posted in September are for the exam given thefollowing March.TRAINING MANUAL INFORMATION.—Training manuals (TRAMANs) and their associatednonresident training courses (NRTCs) are prepared asself-study packages to help you develop the knowledgerequired for your rating. You may also use them whenpreparing to take an advancement examination. Theinformation in some TRAMANs is consideredmandatory.You must complete certain courses (mandatorycourses) to meet advancement eligibility requirements.For example, if you’re going up for E-3 and didn’tattend the Apprenticeship Training Program (ATP), youmust complete Basic Military Requirements (BMR) andeither the Airman (AN), Fireman (FN), or Seaman (SN)(depending on your rate) TRAMANs. If you graduatedfrom the ATP, you have satisfied the requirement forcompletion of the AN, FN, or SN apprenticeshipTRAMAN. However, you still must complete the BMR.Remember, you are responsible for the informationin training manuals concerning the rating in which youwish to be advanced and the appropriate apprenticeshipand general rate training manuals.C O M M A N D I N G O F F I C E R ’ S ( C O ’ S )RECOMMENDATION.—This eligibility require-ment is, perhaps, the most important of all. For your COto recommend you for advancement, he/she must besatisfied that you are fully qualified for advancement.To a great extent, your CO relies on therecommendations of the people in the chain ofcommand to decide if you are fully qualified foradvancement. Your supervisor constantly evaluatesyour performance to see if you can handle the duties andresponsibilities of an advancement.In addition, your CO can add requirements to theeligibility requirements shown here. These additionalrequirements should be met for you to receive yourCO’s recommendation. Check with your supervisor orpersonnel office to see if your command has localrequirements.ADDITIONAL ELIGIBILITY REQUIRE-MENTS.—In addition to the eligibility requirements16-6Student Notes:
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