The NEAS and AHs are available in electronic format the Naval Education and Training ProfessionalDevelopment and Technology Center (NETPDTC) StandardsNAVSTDs are military requirements for apaygrade. They apply to all enlisted personnel in theNavy. NAVSTDs are skills and knowledges required forenlisted personnel to be able to perform their duty. Theyinclude military requirements and essential qualities ofprofessionalism and pride of service in support of youroath of enlistment. They also include basic skills andknowledges relating to the maintenance of good orderand discipline, as well as those that directly contribute tothe mission of the Navy. To be qualified for a paygrade,you are responsible for knowing all the naval standardsfor that paygrade and all the naval standards for alllower paygrades.Occupational StandardsOCCSTDs are a listing of the things you must beable to do to be considered professionally qualified for arate. OCCSTDs are the minimum occupationalrequirements of a particular rate and are separate anddifferent from NAVSTDs. In other words, to be an SNyou would have to fulfill the OCCSTDs for SN as wellas the NAVSTDs for E-3.If you wanted to look at the OCCSTDs for aparticular rate, you would need to look at the OCCSTDsfor that rate and all lower paygrades in the same rating asw e l l a s t h e O C C S T D s f o r t h e a p p r o p r i a t eapprenticeship. For example, to see all the OCCSTDsfor Boatswain’s Mate second class (BM2), you wouldhave to look at the OCCSTDs for BM2, BM3, andSeaman (SN).ELIGIBILITY FOR ADVANCEMENTIn addition to all the naval and occupationalstandards for a rate, other requirements must be met foryou to be eligible for advancement. However, beingeligible does not guarantee advancement. To beadvanced, you must be selected for advancement.Eligibility for Advancement to E-2 and E-3The eligibility requirements for E-2 and E-3 arerelatively simple. The requirements are as follows:Have a certain amount of time in rateBe recommended by your commanding officerComplete B a s i c M i l i t a r y R e q u i re m e n t s ,NAVEDTRA 12018Additionally, your command may require you topass a written examination. An examination for E-2would be prepared by your command. For an E-3, theexamination would either be prepared locally orprepared by the Naval Education and TrainingProfessional Development and Technology Center(NETPDTC).Remember, these are eligibility requirements.Meeting these requirements means you are eligible foradvancement; but they don’t mean you’ll beautomatically advanced. Selection for advancement isdiscussed later in this chapter.Eligibility for Advancement to Petty OfficerAdvancement to petty officer has more eligibilityrequirements than advancement to E-2 or E-3. Theeligibility requirements are as follows:Have a certain amount of time in rateC o m p l e t e a l l p e r s o n n e l a d va n c e m e n trequirements (PARs)Demonstrate knowledge of material in yourmandatory rate training manualBe recommended by your commanding officer(CO)TIME IN RATE.—You must fulfill time-in-raterequirements to be eligible for advancement to pettyofficer. That means you must have been in your presentpaygrade for a specific minimum period of time to beeligible for the next paygrade.16-5Student Notes:
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