classification levels of, 22-2
clearances, 22-3
communications, 4-12
Security requirements and international agreements,
22-1 through 22-24
international agreements, 22-18
security, 22-1
SEED, 12-15
Self-contained breathing apparatus, 12-17
Sentries, 3-7
general orders of, 3-8
Service stripes, 10-13
Sexual harassment, 1-19
range of behaviors, 1-21
reporting incidents, 1-21
unwelcome behavior, 1-20
work environment, effect on, 1-20
Sexually transmitted diseases, 14-30
acquired immune deficiency syndrome
genital herpes, 14-31
gonerrhea, 14-31
prevention of, 14-32
syphilis, 14-30
Shepard, Allan B, Jr, 5-28
Ship/aircraft characteristics, 8-1 through 8-54
compartment designation/deck numbering, 8-11
naval aircraft, 8-32
ship identification, 8-13
ship terms, 8-1
Shipboard organization, 6-6
administration organization, 6-7, 12-1
battle organization, 6-7, 12-6
aircraft carriers, 5-18, 8-15
ammunition ships, 8-28
amphibious assault ships, 8-22
amphibious command ships, 8-25
amphibious transport dock, 8-22
amphibious warfare craft, 8-32
amphibious warfare ships, 8-26
battleships, 5-15, 8-16
boats, 7-7
combatant craft, 7-7
Continental Navy, ships of, 6-2
cruisers, 5-15, 8-16
destroyers, 5-15, 5-19, 8-18
dock landing ship, 8-24
fast combat support ships, 8-29
frigates, 8-20
ironclads, 5-10
mine warfare craft, 8-32
mine warfare ships, 8-25
ocean-going tugs, 8-31
oilers/tankers, 8-28
patrol craft, 8-32
privateers, 5-5
replenishment-at-sea ships, 8o-27
rescue and salvage ships, 8-31
service craft, 7-7
submarines, 5-2, 5-10, 5-13, 5-15, 8-20
surface ships, 5-11
tank landing ship, 8-25
Shock, 14-12
prevention and treatment of, 14-15
Shoring chest, 12-26
Shotguns, 11-15
Side boys, 4-32
Signals, emergency and administrative, 4-21, 15-9
Small arms, 11-1 through 11-30
M14 rifle, 11-2
M16A1/M16A2 rifle, 11-3
marksmanship, 11-15