Q8. What type of area is used to keep classified
Q9. What type of material is safeguarded through
ADP Security?
Q10. You are making your rounds as a roving security
patrol and discover that the door to the radio
room is unlocked and the room unattended. What
action should you take?
Q11. The least secure system of communication
should never be used to discuss classified
m a t e r i a l .
W h a t
i s
t h e
l e a s t
s e c u r e
communications means and why should it never
be used to discuss classified material?
Q12. You are on leave away from your command. You
meet someone who starts asking questions about
your command and its mission. What should you
Q13. What are the two most publicized methods of
Q14. Where is the likely spot for a terrorist bombing to
Q15. What form is used to record bomb threats
received over the phone?
Q16. If you receive a bomb threat over the phone, what
should you do?
Learning Objectives: When you finish this
chapter, you will be able to
Identify the purpose of international agreements.
Recall the general provisions of the Status of
Forces Agreement, the Geneva Convention
concerning treatment and rights of prisoners of
war, and the Law of Armed Conflict.
M a ny a g r e e m e n t s a r e m a d e b e t w e e n t h e
government of the United States and governments of
other countries. Some of the agreements that directly
affect you are discussed in this chapter. These
international agreements are the Status of Forces
Agreement (SOFA), the Geneva Convention, and the
Law of Armed Conflict.
During your tour of duty in the Navy, you will have
the opportunity to visit other countries. You may visit as
a member of a ships company, or you may be assigned
to a duty station overseas. In either case, remember that
you are a guest of the country you are visiting. A small
percentage of people feel because they are members of
the U.S. Navy, local laws dont apply to them. That is
not true. If you are on leave or liberty in a foreign
country, you must obey the laws of that country.
It is the policy of the Department of Defense (DOD)
to protect your rights as much as possible if you are
subjected to criminal trial by foreign courts. To do that,
the United States has entered into an agreement with
several of our allied countries. That agreement is called
the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA). The SOFA
says, in part, that the host country will give up some of
Student Notes: