Amidships. Amidships is a point about halfway betweenthe bow and stern and the sides of the boat.A t h w a r t s h i p s .When something is said to beathwartships, it’s across the boat from side to side.Forward end (fore). The forward end (fore) of the boat isthe bow.Inboard. Inboard usually describes the area inside theboat or an object nearer the centerline of the boat.Outboard. Outboard describes the area furthermostfrom the boat’s centerline or beyond the side of aboat.Starboard. When facing forward of the boat, yourright-hand side is the starboard.Port. When you are facing forward of the boat, yourleft-hand side is the port.Figure 7-13 shows a 26-foot personnel boat withfeatures that are similar to most Navy boats.7-10Student Notes:Figure 7-11.—Combatant craft of the U.S. Navy.
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