26. If you fall overboard and sharks are in thearea, you should take which of the followingactions?1. Swim away from the area2. Assume the jellyfish position and try toremain motionless3. Float on your back and use as little armand leg movement as possible4. Tread water and make wide sweepingmovements with your arms to splash water27. In a group survival situation, good leadershipwill lessen the effects of which of thefollowing emotional states?1. Panic2. Confusion3. Disorganization4. All of the above28. At least how many quarts of water are requiredeach day to maintain your efficiency?1. 12. 23. 34. 429. Liquids obtained from vines are undrinkable ifthey have which of the followingcharacteristics?1. White sap2. Very dark in color3. Both 1 and 2 above4. Slightly pink color30. In a survival situation with less than 1 quart ofwater per day, you should avoid eating whattype of food?1. High-carbohydrate2. Highly flavored3. Excessively sweetened4. High-protein31. Under survival conditions, you would obtainthe most food value from which of thefollowing sources?1. Nuts2. Tubers3. Insects4. Animal flesh32. To kill any parasites scavenger birds such asbuzzards and vultures might carry, you shouldboil the birds for what minimum length oftime?1. 5 minutes2. 10 minutes3. 15 minutes4. 20 minutes33. When selecting a route for evasion travel, youshould always choose the easiest route.1. True2. False34. Which of the following sources is best fordetermining directions under survivalconditions?1. The position of the stars and the sun2. The growth of moss on trees and rocks3. The direction of movement of birds andanimals4. The direction of water flow in streams andrivers35. During evasion, if you can no longer proceedon your own because of illness, which of thefollowing actions should you take?1. Seek help from friendly natives2. Display a white flag or other white object3. Surrender to enemy troops by walkingtoward them with raised arms4. Select a hiding place and stay there untilyou are well enough to travel36. After evading the enemy and returning to anarea with friendly forces, you should takewhich of the following actions?1. Fire your weapon three times and giveyour name2. Arouse their attention by shouting at them3. Display a white flag or other white object4. Try to get through their lines at night37. You should give friendly frontline troopswhich, if any, of the following informationabout your evasion experiences?1. All information they request2. Immediate tactical information3. A description of the methods you usedduring evasion4. None of the above15-35
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