13. The survival kits in large lifeboats aredesigned to sustain 15 to 20 people on regularrations for what maximum number of days?1. 202. 153. 104. 514. You can identify the red flare end of a Mk 13Mod 0 distress signal kit in the dark by whichof the following indicators?1. A metal pull ring2. Beadlike projections3. The absence of beadlike projections4. The absence of a metal pull ring15. Under good weather conditions, the dyemarker will retain some color for whatmaximum length of time?1. 1 hour2. 2 hours3. 3 hours4. 4 hours16. In a lifeboat, what piece of survival equipmentis provided to assist you in filling containerswith freshwater?1. Rain catcher tube2. Rain cistern3. Rain bucket4. Funnel17. In a lifeboat, continuous exposure to theelements will not harm which of the followingpieces of survival or signal equipment?1. Sponges2. Knives3. Flashlights4. Signal mirrors18. In a lifeboat, you may survive on as little ashow much water a day?1. 10 ounces2. 8 ounces3. 6 ounces19. People are known to live for 4 weeks or longerin a survival situation if a sufficient amount ofwater is available.1. True2. False20. Which of the following forms of sea life orbirds should NEVER be eaten?1. Sharks2. Jellyfish3. Seabirds4. Sea turtles21. Which of the following sea birds is/are edible?1. Albatrosses2. Gannets3. Terns4. All of the above22. At what minimum water temperature are youat risk for a serious condition calledhypothermia?1.75E F2.80E F3.85E F4.95E F23. What means should you use to treat frostbittenhands and fingers?1. Rub them2. Exercise them3. Place them in cold water4. Place them in contact with a warm part ofyour body24. Assume that you have just fallen overboard.What is the most important survival techniquefor you to remember?1. Remain calm and try to stay afloat2. Swim after the ship and call for help3. Remove your shoes and other heavyclothing4. Keep moving your arms and feet forprotection from sharks25. Helicopters use a maximum of how manybasic devices for recovering personnel in thewater?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four15-34
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