A1. The Navys policy on drug abuse is zero
A2. The purpose of the Integrity and Efficiency
Program is to detect, deter, and eliminate
fraud, waste, and abuse.
A3. You can report fraud, waste, and abuse situations
by the following means:
a. Chain of command
b. Navy hotline
c. Naval Criminal Investigative Service
d. Congressional communication
A4. For the public to feel confident about the Navys
integrity, naval personnel should comply with the
Standards of Conduct and Professional Ethics.
A1. The Navy uses the Command Managed Equal
Opportunity (CMEO) Program to ensure that
all naval personnel are treated equally and are
given equal opportunities.
A2. Guidance and policy for the CMEO Program is
provided by the Chief of Naval Operations.
A3. Telling an sexist or racial joke is an insensitive
A4. Command facilities provide a variety of
products and services in command facilities to
avoid discrimination in the operation of
exchanges, commissaries, service clubs, and
recreational facilities.
A5. The best place for you or your family to start to
resolve an off-base discrimination complaint is
your chain of command.
A6. Navy personnel cant take part in civil rights
demonstrations in the following situations:
a. While wearing their uniform or during
duty hours.
b. When held on a military reservation or in a
foreign country.
c. When law and order are violated or when
they could reasonably be expected to result
in violence.
A7. You have submitted a special request chit and
feel that the chain of command hasnt resolved
your discrimination complaint. Your next
course of action is to request captains mast.
A8. Hazing is any conduct whereby a military
member or members, regardless of service or
rank, without proper authority causes
another military member or members,
regardless of service or rank, to suffer or be
exposed to any activity which is cruel, abusive,
humiliating, oppressive, demeaning, or
A9. According to Navy policy, hazing is prohibited.
A1. Improper conduct is considered sexual
harassment when
a. Submission to or rejection of such conduct
is made either explicitly or implicitly a
term or condition of a persons job.
b. Pay, or career; submission to or rejection of
such conduct by a person is used as a basis
for career or employment decisions
affecting that person.
c. Such conduct interferes with an
individuals performance or creates an
intimidating, hostile, or offensive
A2. A persons behavior to be termed sexual
harassment if is
a. Unwelcome
b. Sexual in nature
c. Occurs in or impacts on the work
A3. The recipients perceptions count when there is
unwelcome behavior.
A4. If your LCPO offers you high marks on your
evals in exchange for sexual favors, it is quid pro
quo sexual harassment.