A18. The precautions to be strictly adhered to while
standing an armed watch with a pistol include
a. keep the pistol in the holster.
b. dont engage in horseplay with the pistol.
c. dont surrender the pistol to any
unauthorized person.
d leave two loaded magazine clips in their
pouch and remember there is one round
loaded in the chamber.
e. when relieved, unload the pistol in a safe
designated area. Remove the round from
the chamber and check the chamber clear.
Release the slide and let the hammer go
home. Dry fire the pistol then engage the
A19. Deadly force can be used
a. to protect your life or the life of another
person where no other means of defense
will be effective
b when no other means is available to prevent
the commission of or to prevent the escape
of a person known to have committed
robbery, murder, rape, arson, or
c. to prevent acts of sabotage, espionage, or
other crimes against the government after
failure of all other available means of
preventing such crime
A1. Bearings are measured in degrees, clockwise
around a circle from 000° to 360°.
A2. The three different types of bearings are
a. Relative
b. True
c. Magnetic
A3. Bearings are reported in three digits, spoken
digit by digit; positions are reported in one or
two digits and spoken whole.
A4. When using your hand as an aid to determine the
position angle of an aircraft, your closed fist is
approximately 8°.
A5. If the binocular IPD is adjusted properly, you
will see one circle when viewing through them.
A6. T he three adjustments that must be made when
using binoculars are to adjust each eyepiece
and set the IPD.
A7. The improvement of vision in dim light is known
as dark adaptation.
A8. It will take 30 minutes for you to reach your best
night vision.
A9. The different methods used for a day lookout and
a night lookout are the day lookout moves
his/her eyes in 5 steps, pausing at each step;
the night lookout keeps moving his/her eyes.