Q7. Describe the first aid that should be given to a
victim suspected of having a sprained or strained
Learning Objective: When you finish this chapter, you
will be able to
Recall the procedures to rescue a person.
There are many ways to move victims. The method
used depends on several factorswhere the victim is
located and where the victim is to be taken, assistance
available, equipment on hand, and so forth. If available,
litters or stretchers should be used.
In you dont have any help, there are several
methods you can use to move a victim alone. One
method is simply to pick up and carry the victim in your
arms, but it can be quite a task if the victim weighs more
than you. If a blanket is handy, the victim can be placed
upon it and dragged. Two other means are the firemans
carry (fig. 14-19) and the tied-hands crawl (fig. 14-20).
One of the easiest ways to carry an unconscious
person is by the firemans lift, also called the firemans
carry (fig. 14-19).
Student Notes:
Figure 14-19.Firemans carry.