41. Fixed-wing aircraft are divided into how many
basic parts?
1. One
2. Two
3. Three
4. Four
42. What is the primary lifting device of an
1. Tail
2. Wings
3. Ailerons
4. Fuselage
43. What are the three main parts of a helicopter?
1. Tail, rotors, and empennage
2. Tail, rotors, and fuselage
3. Main rotor, fuselage, and tail rotor
4. Main rotor, empennage, and tail rotor
44. Attack class planes are used in which of the
following roles?
1. Nuclear strikes
2. Ground support
3. Low-level bombing
4. Each of the above
45. What class of aircraft is generally used to gain
air superiority?
1. Attack
2. Fighter
3. Patrol
4. Warning
46. The E-2C Hawkeye belongs to what class of
1. Patrol
2. Warning
3. Antisubmarine
4. Fighter
47. The S-3 Viking belongs to what class of
1. Patrol
2. Warning
3. Antisubmarine
4. Fighter
48. What helicopter is designated for ASW use?
1. Ch-46 Sea Knight
2. SH-2 Seasprite
3. SH-60B Seahawk
49. What helicopter operates and tows mine
countermeasures devices?
1. CH-46 Sea Knight
2. SH-60B Seahawk
3. CH-53D Sea Stallion