Secure all tools and equipment with lanyards toprevent dropping them and injuring personnel below.Burning and welding or the presence of any open flameisn’t permitted on a stage or boatswain’s chair unless thesuspension ropes and bridle are made of steel. Alwayscheck equipment for weakened or broken fittings beforegoing aloft.When working over the side, you must wear astandard Navy safety harness with a safety line attachedand tended by someone on deck. You must also wear aninherently buoyant life jacket with a hole in the back.The hole in the life jacket will allow you to wear a safetyharness. The line should be only long enough to permitfreedom of movement.Wear a life jacket when you work at underwayreplenishment stations, when you are in a lifeboat at sea,when you work on weather decks during heavy weather,or whenever you are directed to do so. While the ship isunder way, you must be given permission by the CO towork over the side.ANTENNASPersonnel aren’t permitted to go aloft in the vicinityof energized antennas. The voltages set up in a ship’sstructure or section of rigging by electromagneticradiation (EMR) can shock or burn you. When deckforce personnel or others work on rigging, they must befamiliar with the hazards that exist and know theprecautions to be observed. Safety harnesses are usedwhen working aloft to guard against falls.The previously mentioned precautions should beobserved also when other antennas in the immediatevicinity are energized by electronic transmitters, unlessit is definitely known that no danger exists. Otherantennas may be interpreted to mean any antennas onboard another ship moored alongside or across a pier orat a nearby shore station.Personnel aloft are in danger from falls caused byradar or other antennas that rotate or swing throughhorizontal or vertical arcs. Motor switches controllingthe motion of radar antennas should be locked open andtagged before you go aloft to work in the vicinity of suchantennas.REVIEW 4 QUESTIONSQ1. Handling cargo improperly can result in injuryand death. What precautions should you followin the following cases?a. Working over the sideb. Lifting heavy objectsc. Steadying a loadQ2. What person grants permission for any workdone aloft?Q3. What precautions are taken before permission isgiven for personnel to work aloft?Q4. Describe the purpose of lifelines.Q5. Describe the equipment you should wear whenworking over the side.STEAMMost accidents involving steam occur in enginerooms and firerooms. However, steam lines runthroughout a ship; therefore, observe properprecautions at all times. Some practices can be appliedto almost any situation regardless of the type ofequipment, the steam pressure, or any other job-relatedcondition.Live steam is often invisible and it is alwaysdangerous. If you are not familiar with a system or havenot been trained for the task at hand, do not attempt thejob.Always drain lines before removing valves orotherwise opening the system. Close all associated19-8Student Notes:
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