functions involving the DOD. Those functions
include the Presidents powers, duties, and
authorities. As the Presidents principal assistant
in DOD matters, the SECDEF reports to the
President on all DOD military matters. The
Deputy Secretary of Defense aids the SECDEF.
The Deputy supervises and coordinates the
activities of the department and substitutes for the
SECDEF during absence or disability.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff
Five members make up the Joint Chiefs of
Staff (JCS):
A chairman, who maybe a member of any
service and who is appointed by the
President with the advice and consent of
the Senate
The Chief of Staff, U.S. Army
The Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force
The Commandant of the Marine Corps.
The JCS is the immediate military staff of the
SECDEF. As such, the JCS helps the SECDEF
in exercising direction over the operating forces.
In addition, the members of the JCS are the
principal military advisors to the President and
the National Security Council.
Since its formal beginning as a military
department in 1798, the Navy has been organized
into three separate bodies:
1. The Navy Department (originally known
as central headquarters), located in
Washington, D.C.
2. The Shore Establishment
3. The operating forces
These bodies, as shown in figure 1-3, include the
Marine Corps and, in time of war or when
directed by the President, the Coast Guard.
Figure 1-3.-Organization of the Department of the Navy.