Organization, 3-11
delegation of authority, 3-12
organizational concepts, 3-11
types of, 3-11
Overseas Duty Support Program, 6-5
Personal characteristics, effective, 3-19
Personal excellence, 6-8
Personnel assignments, 4-32 and 7-1
Personnel Reliability Program, 9-42
Plan of action and milestones, 3-7
Plans, 3-2
single-use, 3-3
standing, 3-2
strategic, 3-2
Policy guidance, 2-14
Power, 3-13,
coercive, 3-14
expert, 3-14
informational, 3-14
legitimate, 3-14
referent, 3-14
reward, 3-13
Power projection, 1-2
Precedence, authority and command, 2-10
abuse of authority, 2-11
authority in a boat, 2-11
authority of a sentry, 2-11
authority of juniors to issue orders to
seniors, 2-11
authority of warrant officers, noncommissioned
officers, and petty officers, 2-11
authority over subordinates, 2-11
contradictory and conflicting orders, 2-11
delegation of authority, 2-11
exercise of authority, 2-10
Preliminary inquiry, 2-4
advising the accused, 2-7
collecting documentary evidence, 2-7
collecting real evidence, 2-7
interrogating the accused, 2-8
interrogating witnesses, 2-6
objective of, 2-4
Preliminary investigation, 2-1
preliminary inquiry, 2-4
report chit, 2-1
Presenting personnel, 7-6
ceremonies, 7-7
inspections, 7-6
quarters, 7-7
Pride and professionalism, 6-7
Privileges, withholding of, 2-14
Program for Afloat College Education, 5-6
Programs and policies, 6-1
assistance programs, 6-1
Integrity and Efficiency Program, 6-8
morale, welfare, and recreation, 6-3 and
Navy Resale System, 6-11
personal excellence, 6-8
pride and professionalism, 6-7
Quality control, 3-6
concurrent, 3-7
feedback, 3-7
feedforward, 3-7
quality circles, 3-7
statistical analysis, 3-7
zero defects, 3-7
Real evidence, 2-7
Recognition of performance, 2-15
Records, 5-16
microform, 5-17
of expending and recovering accountable
material, 4-18
substandard, 5-16
updating, 5-18
within selection board package, 5-18
Redress of wrong committed by a superior,
Regulations, 2-15
armed forces identification cards and leave
papers, 2-15
berthing, 2-16
card games and gambling, 2-16
civilian clothing, 2-16
emergency equipment, 2-16
government property, 2-16
grooming and personal appearance, 2-17
hitchhiking, 2-17
indebtedness, 2-17
mess gear; 2-17
outfits, uniforms, and clothing, 2-17
personal effects, 2-17
photographic equipment, 2-18
plan of the day, 2-18
profane Language, 2-18
publishing and posting, 2-10
regulatory articles of interest, 2-18