SNAP: In drill, snap is the immediate and smart
execution of a movement. In commands or signals,
quality inspires immediate response.
COMMANDS: The two basic types of commands
are the preparatory command, such as Forward, which
indicates the type of movement to be made, and the
command of execution, such as MARCH, which causes
the desired movement to be made. For clarity,
preparatory commands are printed in bold and the first
letter is capitalized (Forward); commands of execution
are printed in capital letters (MARCH). Some
commands are a combination of both preparatory
commands and commands of execution, such as FALL
IN, AT EASE, and REST, but are considered
commands of execution. They are printed in bold, capital
AS YOU WERE: This command cancels a
movement or order that was started but not completed.
At this command, troops resume their former position.
With the exception of right step, all steps and
marches starting from a halt begin with the left foot.
Normally, commands are given in the cadence of quick
time. When the direction of the march is to be changed,
both the preparatory command and the command of
execution are given as the foot in the direction of the
turn strikes the ground. For example, the commands
Column Right, MARCH. The movement is to the right;
therefore, the word Right is spoken as your right foot
strikes the ground. An interval of silence follows as you
take your next step, and the command MARCH is given
as your right foot again strikes the ground.
Normally, only one step is taken between the
preparatory and execution commands. However, in the
early phases of recruit training and at other times as
necessary, the interval between commands may be
greater to allow the troops more time to think about their
actions. With large bodies of troops, the intervals must
be longer to allow subordinate commanders to repeat the
preparatory commands or to give other preparatory
commands as necessary.
QUICK TIME: To march forward in quick time,
start from a halt and give the commands Forward,
MARCH. At the command Forward, shift the weight of
the body to the right leg without noticeable movement.
At the command MARCH, step off smartly with the left
foot and continue the march with 30-inch steps. Swing
the arms easily in natural arcs about 6 inches straight to
the front and 3 inches to the rear of the body.
DOUBLE TIME: To march in double time, begin at
a halt or in march in quick time and give the commands
Double Time, MARCH. If beginning from a halt, at the
command MARCH, raise the forearms, fingers closed
and knuckles out, to a horizontal position along the
waistline. Take up an easy run with the step and cadence
of double time (36-inch steps at 180 steps per minute),
allowing the arms to make a natural swinging motion
across the front of the body. If starting in quick time, be
sure to keep the forearms horizontal; and at the
command MARCH, given as either foot strikes the
ground, take one more step in quick time and then step
off in double time. To resume quick time from double
time, give the commands Quick Time, MARCH. At the
command MARCH, given as either foot strikes the
ground, advance and plant the foot in double time;
resume the quick time, dropping the hands to the sides.
SIDE STEP: The commands are Side Step,
MARCH. At the command MARCH, place your right
foot 12 inches to the right. Then place your left foot
beside the right. Continue in the cadence of quick time.
Stand as straight as you can without stiffness. The
movement also may be made to the left.
HALF STEP: The commands are Half Step,
MARCH. At the command MARCH, take steps of
15 inches instead of the normal 30 inches. Half step is
executed in quick time only. To resume the full step
from half step, give the commands Forward, MARCH.
BACK STEP: The commands are Backward,
MARCH. At the command MARCH, take steps of
15 inches straight to the rear. The back step is executed
in quick time only.
TO CHANGE STEPS: Change steps may be
executed without orders by an individual to get in step
with the rest of the unit. An entire unit may be ordered to
change step to get in step with another unit. The
commands are Change Step, MARCH. At the command
MARCH, given as either foot strikes the ground,
advance and plant the other foot. For example, plant the
left foot, then plant the toe of the right foot near the heel
of the left foot, and step off with the left foot.