the early U.S. Navy was involved in two otherconflicts—the Quasi War and the Barbary States War.Quasi WarThe Quasi War with France, 1798 - 1801, wasentirely a naval war. It followed worsening diplomaticrelations with France, including a refusal by the FrenchSecretary of Foreign Affairs to receive U.S.representatives unless a bribe was paid and a loangranted. The famous expression “Millions for defense,but not one cent for tribute” originated at this time. TheQuasi War was the baptism of fire for the United StatesNavy under the new Constitution.Barbary States WarThe U.S. Navy was sent to the Mediterranean todeal with the Barbary States, who were forcing othernations to pay ransom for safe passage through theMediterranean Sea. During the campaign, LieutenantStephen Decatur and 84 seamen slipped into the harborat Tripoli on February 16, 1804, and burned the capturedfrigate USS Philadelphia (fig. 5-3). Not a singleAmerican Sailor was lost. Britain’s Admiral LordNelson described the raid as “one of the most bold anddaring acts of the age.”THE WAR OF 1812The War of 1812 was brought on, in part, becausethe British were impressing (forcing Americans to servein the British Navy) American seamen. Englandimpressed American seamen to make its presence feltand demonstrate its power on the American continent.On August 19, 1812, Captain Isaac Hull aboard theUSS Constitution defeated the British frigate Guerriere(fig. 5-4), and the USS Constitution earned its nickname“Old Ironsides.” The victory convinced Congress andPresident Madison that a stronger Navy was needed towin the war and protect the country.Almost a year after Hull’s important victory,another famous event in our naval history occurred. OnSeptember 10, 1813, Captain Oliver Hazard Perrydefeated a British squadron on Lake Erie and wrote hisdispatch, “We have met the enemy and they are ours.”Perry’s win cut British supply lines on the Great Lakes,gained control of Lake Erie, and strengthened theAmerican claim to the Northwest Territory.5-7Student Notes:Figure 5-3.—Lieutenant Stephen Decatur and 84 seamen slipped into Tripoli Harborand burned the captured American frigate USS Philadelphia.
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