Spanish-American War…Remember the Maine becameour battle cry.One event stood out in this short war—CommodoreGeorge Dewey’s seizure of Manila Bay in thePhilippines. On May 1, 1898, he steamed into ManilaBay and ordered, “You may fire when you are ready,Gridley.” Dewey’s resounding victory destroyedSpain’s naval power in the East and was instrumental inquickly ending the war.Shortly after the Battle of Manila Bay (fig. 5-8),U.S. naval forces at Cuba cornered the Spanish AtlanticSquadron at Santiago Bay. On the morning of July 3,1898, the Spanish squadron tried to break out of the bayand was completely destroyed. Cuba and Puerto Ricofell shortly afterwards, effectively ending the war.REVIEW 3 QUESTIONSQ1. List the naval developments during the last partof the 19th century.a.b.c.d.e.f.Q2. After the development of the ironclad, what wasthe Confederate Navy’s next achievement?Q3. During the Civil War, the U.S. Navy’s firstadmiral gave the famous order, “Damn thetorpedoes! Full speed ahead.” List the admiral’sname and battle where he gave the order.Q4. Describe how Alfred T. Mahan influenced navalstrategy.5-14Student Notes:Figure 5-8.—Battle of Manila Bay.
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