2. The second objective is to support the Navy andMarine Corps forces as well as the forces ofother military departments. The Department ofthe Navy supports these forces as directed by theSecretary of Defense.Figure 6-2 shows the basic organization of the DoN.The SECNAV is responsible for, and has the authorityunder Title 10 of the United States Code, to conduct allthe affairs of the Department of the Navy. The SECNAVhas the following responsibilities:Conducts recruiting, organizing, supplying,equipping, training, and mobilizing, anddemobilizingOversees the construction, outfitting, and repairof naval ships, equipment and facilitiesFormulates and implements policies andprograms that are consistent with the nationalsecurity policies and objectives established bythe President and the Secretary of DefenseThe DoN consists of two uniformed Services—theUnited States Navy and the United States Marine Corps.You can find out more about these organizations byu s i n g t h e I n t e r n e t . T h e I n t e r n e t a d d r e s s i swww.navy.mil. There, you can connect to a Navyorganization’s homepage.Figure 6-3 shows you an overview of theorganization of the DoN. The U.S. Navy was foundedon 13 October 1775, and the Department of the Navywas established on 30 April 1798. The Department ofthe Navy has three principal components—1. The Navy Department, consisting of executiveoffices mostly in Washington, D.C.2. The operating forces, including the MarineCorps3. The Shore EstablishmentIn this chapter, you will learn about the operatingforces and shore commands. The reserve componentsare part of DoN. In times of war, the U.S. Coast Guard isalso a part of the DoN; during peacetime, the U.S. CoastGuard is a part of the Department of Transportation.6-3Student Notes:Figure 6-2.—Organizational chart of the Department of the Navy (DoN).
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