The IVCS is an integrated communicationssystem that solves some of the shortcomings of oldersystems installed on older ships. IVCS combines thef e a t u r e s o f s o u n d - p ow e r e d t e l e p h o n e s , d i a ltelephones, and intercommunications units into onesystem. The IVCS also can interface with othershipboard communications systems. The systemc o n s i s t s o f t e r m i n a l s ( u s e r a c c e s s d ev i c e s ) ,accessories, and two computer-controlled InteriorCommunications Switching Centers (ICSCs).NOTEWhenever IVCS are installed, sound-poweredtelephone circuits are designated as secondarycommunications circuits.TERMINAL DEVICESTwo types of terminal devices (network terminaland dial terminal) are used with the IVCS. The type ofterminal and the way it is connected into the systemdetermines the type of service that is provided to you theuser.Network TerminalThe network terminal (fig. 4-8) provides servicecomparable to that provided by sound-poweredtelephone systems. By depressing one of the fivenumbered push buttons, you’re connected to any one offour networks. Each network circuit is also connected toone of the ICSCs. The network circuits are manned forcertain shipboard operations, similar to sound-poweredtelephones.Dial TerminalThe dial terminal provides services that can be mosteasily compared to that provided by a dial telephonesystem. The dial telephones terminals (fig. 4-9) areconnected to ICSCs. They are used similar to acommercial dial telephone with push-button dialing.Terminal AccessoriesThere are several types of accessories designed foruse with the dial and network terminals. Theseaccessories include headsets, handsets, spray-tightenclosures that permit the installation of the terminals inexposed areas, and loud speaker units. The loudspeakerunits (fig. 4-10) are designed for use with either the dialor network terminals. Both units are equipped withpress-to-talk switches. Additionally, by depressing thehands-free push switch on the unit, the operator cancommunicate without using the press-to-talk switch.This permits you to communicate without a handset orheadset.INTERIOR COMMUNICATIONSSWITCHING CENTER (ICSC)The ICSCs are the heart of the IVCS. They performthe switching actions necessary to connect the callingparty to the called party, similar to the automaticswitchboards of a dial telephone system. Figure 4-11shows the relationship between ICSC and the IVCS.REVIEW 5 QUESTIONSQ1. List the terminal devices used with IVCS.a.b.Q2. What is the purpose of the ICSC within theIVCS?COMMUNICATIONS SECURITYLearning Objective: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Identify basic communications securityprocedures.Communications securityis defined as theprotective measures taken to deny unauthorized personsinformation derived from telecommunications of theUnited States government that are related to nationalsecurity and to ensure the authenticity of eachtelecommunication.4-12Student Notes:
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