25.Which of the following are actions to take ifyou believe someone you know is thinkingabout suicide?1.Take all threats seriously2.Don’t leave the person alone3.Get professional help4.All of the above26.Which of the following burns is considered themost serious?1.First degree2.Second degree3.Third degree27.A closed fracture is one where the skin isintact and an open fracture is one where theskin is broken.1.True2.False28.When choosing a material to use as a splint,you should choose material that has which ofthe following characteristics?1.Light weight2.Fairly rigid3.Strong4.All of the above29.Which of the following is/are symptoms of abroken bone?1.Swelling2.Deformity3.Inability to use the part4.Each of the above30.Which of the following is/are symptoms of asprain or a strain?1.Swelling2.Inability to use the part3.Each of the above31.What is one of the easiest ways to carry anunconscious person?1.Arm carry2.Fireman’s l i f t / carry3.Tied-hands crawl4.Lift and drag32.In compartments with access hatches that aretoo small to permit the use of regularstretchers, you would remove an injuredperson using what type of stretcher?1.Neil Robertson2.Gaylord3.Stokes33.Aboard ship, keeping yourself and your spacesclean and orderly has which of the followingadvantages?1.Improves morale2.Contributes to the well-being of the crew3.Both 1 and 2 above34.What common dental condition(s) can beprevented by making sure you develop thehabit of good oral hygiene?1.Tooth decay2.Gum and bone disease3.Reddening of the gums4.All of the above35.Sexually transmitted diseases may be spreadthrough the use of inanimate objects, such astoilet seats, bed linens, or drinking glasses.1.True2.False36.If left untreated, syphilis may cause which ofthe following conditions?1.Heart disease2.Mental illness3.Blindness4.All of the above37.Sterility is the result of leaving which of thefollowing sexually transmitted diseasesuntreated?1.Syphilis2.Gonorrhea3.Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome4.Herpes38.What disease has been named the number onepriority of the U.S. Public Health Service?1.Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome2.Genital herpes infection3.Gonorrhea4.Syphilis14-39
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