launchers, two 5r/54 caliber Mk-45 lightweight guns,two Phalanx20mm CTWS mounts and six 25mmMk 38 machine guns. The USS Belleau Wood (LHA 3)(fig 8-23) and the USS Peleliu (LHA 45) (fig. 8-24) areexamples of amphibious assault ships.The Wasp-class LHDs are designed to embark,transport, and land 2,000 troops and their equipmentusing transport helicopters in conjunction with a beachassault. The Wasp-class ships are the largestamphibious ships in the world (fig. 8-25). Theirvertical envelopment is more effective than oldermethods of amphibious landings. One feature of thisclass of ships is the ability to commit the landingforce in an assault without being limited to favor-able beaches. These ships allow establishment ofbeachheads in enemy territory more quickly thanolder methods. When not in used for amphibiousassaults, LHDs have the capability to assist inantisubmarine warfare.Amphibious transport dock. Amphibioustransport docks (LPDs) are versatile ships. Theyperform the mission of amphibious transports,amphibious cargo ships, and older LSDs. The Navy’snewest class of ships are scheduled to replace theNavy’s amphibious fleet. The LPD (fig. 8-26) is a highlyreliable, warfare-capable ship, as well as the mostsurvivable amphibious ship ever put to sea. The LPDincorporates the latest quality of life standards for theembarked Marines and Sailors—they accommodatewomen as part of the crew and embarked troops.Dock landing ships. Dock landing ships (LSDs)(fig. 8-27) were designed to transport and launch avariety of amphibious craft and vehicles with embarkedcrews and troops. All landing craft operate from a welldeck that is over 300 feet long and 50 feet wide. Thetypes of amphibious craft vary from the newer LCAC(landing craft air cushion) (fig. 8-28) to the conventionalLCU (landing craft utility) or LCM (landing craftmechanized). The number of amphibious craftembarked will vary, depending on the type of craft andclass of ship.The newer class of LSD is capable of transportingand operating four LCACs while the older classes mayembark only three. A newer variant of the LSD will bedesigned to handle only two LCACs but will have alarger cargo capacity. These ships also have a helicopterplatform over the well deck that allows them to conductlimited helicopter operations.8-22Student Notes:Figure 8-22.—USS Seawolf (SSN 21).
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