Aircraft Carriers.There are three types of
aircraft carriers
1. Multipurpose aircraft carriers (CVs)
2. Multipurpose aircraft carriers (nuclear
propulsion) (CVNs)
3. Training carriers
The job of the CV or CVN is to carry, launch,
retrieve, and handle combat aircraft quickly and
effectively. The aircraft carrier can approach the enemy
at high speed, launch planes for the attack, and recover
them. The attack carrier is an excellent long-range
offensive weapon and is the center of the modern naval
task force or task group. Figure 8-13 shows the USS
Nimitz, and figure 8-14 shows aircraft flying over the
USS Enterprise.
The displacement and aircraft capacity of the older
CVs is less than the newer nuclear-powered CVNs. The
older Forrestal class CVs displace about 79,000 tons
and embark about 75 aircraft. The larger Nimitz class
displaces about 96,000 tons and embarks about
85 aircraft. There is also a big difference in ships
company and air wing complement (personnel
assigned). The Forrestal class has about 5,400
personnel assigned, while the Nimitz class has about
5 , 7 0 0 .
M o s t
c a r r i e r s
h av e
t h e
f o l l ow i n g
Angled flight decks
Steam catapults
A b i l i t y t o l a u n c h a n d r e c o v e r p l a n e s
Large hangar deck for plane stowage
Deck-edge elevators to move aircraft rapidly
between the hangars and flight decks
Extensive repair shops and storerooms
Fast-fueling equipment
The emphasis is on speed (all carriers can do over
30 knots), endurance, and sea-keeping ability (ability to
Student Notes:
Figure 8-13.USS Nimitz (CVN 68).