Figure 8-6.-Sample point paper.
sample point paper shown in figure 8-6 is a common
a problem. It requires thorough research and analysis.
The solution should be based on progressive logic rather
than argument. Subjective opinions, when expressed,
Staff Study
should be the result of careful consideration and should
A staff study is a formal report that presents a precise
be labeled as opinions by the author.
yet brief description of a problem and a recommended
This study can be presented in three patterns: a
solution. As its name implies, a staff study is customarily
single best possible solution, a combination of possible
prepared by a commanders staff. Although senior
solutions, or a single possible solution.
enlisted personnel do not commonly write staff studies,
as a senior or master chief, you should be familiar with
This manual only presents enough information to
their purpose and basic construction.
introduce you to staff studies. Detailed information on
A staff study should be used to present a commander
the form and content of a staff study can be found in
or decision maker with a complete, compact solution to
Naval Operational Planning NWP-11 (Rev. C).