Have completed at least 8 years but notmore than 16 years of active naval service on 16January of the year in which application is made.(PO1 applicants only) Complete allrequirements for advancement to CPO, with theexception of time in paygrade, and successfullycompete in the annual Navywide advancementexamination administered in January of the yearof application. A candidate whose final multipleis equal to, or greater than, the lowest finalmultiple for PASS SELECTION BOARD ELIGI-BOARD ELIGIBLE. A PO1 who is presentlyauthorized advancement to CPO is exempt fromthe CPO Navywide examination qualification.CPOs and SCPOs with at least 12 years,but not more than 16 years, of naval service mayapply for LDO and CWO in the same applicationyear, but only one designator for each programmay be requested.For application procedures and eligibilityrequirements, see NAVMILPERSCOMINSTBLE will be designated LDO SELECTION 1131.1A.4-19
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