Figure 4-1 shows a sample WQS bill forpersonnel in the first section of the first division.The billet number consists of either four numeralsor a letter and three numerals. The first numeralor letter indicates each person’s division; thesecond numeral indicates the watch or dutysection; and the last two numerals indicate eachperson’s seniority in the section. For example, inbillet number 1101, the first numeral (1) indicatesthe person is in the first division; the secondnumeral (1) that the person is in the first section;and the last two numerals (01) indicate the personis the most senior person in the section. Thedepartment is not specified here because the firstdivision is always the deck department. Othercolumns allow for entry of the information fromeach of the ship’s bills. Titles for the headings ineach column are the same as the bill, as definedin the Ship’s Organization and RegulationsManual (SORM). The division officer isresponsible for making sure personnel know whattheir duties are. One useful way to accomplish thisis to give each person a pocket WQS bill (fig. 4-2)listing the person’s duties as shown on the divisionWQS bill.As the ship’s manning changes and as per-sonnel are reassigned, the division officer has tocontinually update the WQS bill. The divisionofficer must maintain a balance of skills in eachsection and arrange each section in order ofseniority from top to bottom. These sectionsrepresent watch sections underway and dutysections in port, except for all-hands evolutionslike the special sea detail. The WQS bill also hasto be updated when annual leave or illness changesthe composition of the bill. For example, supposea Gunner’s Mate (Guns) Seaman (GMGSN) inyour division is sent to school. If the GMGSN isreplaced by a new SA, you will have to give theGunner’s Mate’s assignments on the WQS bill toanother experienced person while the SA is intraining. Therefore, the school assignment of theGMGSN has forced you to make changes to yourdivisional bill.Changes in the watch bill made by the seniorwatch officer for the ship require correspondingchanges to the master and divisional WQS bills.The division notebook is used for transferringinformation from the battle bill and ship’s billsto the WQS bill. The division notebook is dividedto allow one part for each condition of readinessand each ship’s bill. Stations and duties for whichthe division is responsible are entered in each partof the book. Next to those entries are the namesof the personnel to whom the division officerassigns each function. In other words, the divisionFigure 4-1.—Watch, quarter, and station bill.4-6
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