enhance your chances for survival.
During wartime, each person aboard ship is issued a
life preserver. Wear it or keep it handy at all times.
During peacetime, life preservers are stowed in
ready-use lockers. Know where your preserver is
stowed, how to put it on, and how to release and inflate
the lifeboat.
Life Preservers
The Navy uses two types of life preserversthe
inherently buoyant and the inflatable types. The
inherently buoyant type has several designs. The vest
type is the most widely used.
I N H E R E N T LY BU OYA N T T Y P E . T h e
inherently buoyant vest type of life preserver (fig. 15-4)
uses fibrous glass pads to provide buoyancy. The pads
are sealed in plastic waterproof bags placed in an outer
Student Notes:
Figure 15-4.Adjusting the inherently buoyant vest-type life preserver.